The Nigerian Journal Sociology and Anthropological (e-ISSN 2736-075X& p-ISSN 0331-4111) is published biannually by the Nigerian Anthropological and Sociological Association (NASA). It publishes dependable and timely information emanating from original research and new perspectives in sociology, anthropology and related fields. All articles submitted are reviewed anonymously by at least two experts in the field.
Open Access
Publication Ethics

Aim & Scope
The NJSA is a journal established with the main aim of publishing high quality articles that are not only relevant to sociological and anthropological studies but also other areas especially social sciences and humanities. The platform provides scholars a veritable avenue to interact with colleagues across the globe through dissemination of intellectual outputs in a world that has become increasingly interconnected.

The basic idea of open access is to make copyright-able works available without all of the access barriers associated with the “all rights reserved” criteria. All articles on NJSA are open access articles...Read more

Publication on NJSA involves 3 individuals: Author, Reviewer and Editor. There are laid down rules and regulation that aid the promotion of quality and consistency in publication ethics....Read more