ISSN: 0331-4111
Volume 16, No. 2 (2018)
Childhood Malaria Prevention and Treatment Options: A Study in Giwa Local Government Area, Kaduna State – Nigeria
Yusuf Dambo
Kaduna State College of Midwifery Tudun-Wada, Nigeria
Malaria is among the major public health issues in Nigeria. Although various preventive and treatment techniques have been adopted by people in different locations, the disease remains a big concern among households in areas where its transmission is endemic. This study on childhood malaria prevention and treatment options utilized quantitative and qualitative data collected among mothers of under five children, household heads and health workers. Findings revealed that despite the divergent views about malaria causation, 66.7% of respondents attributed malaria to mosquito, 53.3% claimed that children under five are the most vulnerable to the scourge and further revealed that the majority of mothers in the study area used Insecticide Treated Net (ITN) for prevention, the incidence of malaria during the survey was less than 50%. Though different treatment options were available in the area hospital was the most common option for malaria treatment among the people. The study concluded that modern preventive technique (ITN) was used for malaria prevention despite its low coverage among children; malaria treatment expenses were the major challenge identified by the respondents.
Keywords: Malaria, vulnerable group, preventive method and treatment pattern