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ISSN: 0331-4111  e-ISSN: 2736-075X
Volume 19, No. 2, November 2021
Pages 105-125

DOI: 10.36108/NJSA/1202.91.0270

Access and Utilisation of Child Nutrition Information by Mothers in Rural Delta State, Nigeria

1Koblowe Obono and2 Faith Eghomi
1University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
2Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara, Nigeria


Infant and Young Child nutrition information is an aspect of health that covers a wide range of issues, including what a child should consume, when, how, and under what circumstances. Although intake of nutritious food is essential for the physical, mental and psychological wellbeing of children, there exists gaps nutrition-related information in Nigeria. The paper examines mothers’ access to, and utilisation of, under-two child nutrition information in selected rural communities of Delta State. Findings reveal hygiene (94.1%) and exclusive breastfeeding (80.8%) as the most “always” accessed information, and breastfeeding-related messages constituting a half of all available messages to nursing mothers. Utilisation of child nutrition information is also high but modulated. While 70% of the information is utilised, feeding the child to full satisfaction before stopping (94.0%) is highest and breastfeeding for two years is the least (28.9%) utilised. However, access is incongruous with utilisation. Pearson Correlation Coefficient shows no significant relationship between information access and feeding patterns as the information accounted only for 7.3 percent of the adopted feeding methods. Implementation of child nutrition information is related to mothers’ sociodemographic background and sociocultural beliefs, which have implications for child health and development. The paper calls for a more inclusive approach to child nutrition information, education and intervention.

Keywords: Nutrition information, feeding patterns, breastfeeding, child health, nursing mothers in rural communities

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